Tag Archives: Television

Happy Shark Week From Amity Island

Well its that time once again, when Discovery Channel shows its darker-side with its annual programming of Shark Week. They’ve got a full line-up of terrorizing episodes dedicated to scaring the living crap out of you. After you get done watching Shark Week, you’ll be so scared of what’s in the water, you may never step in your shower again! But then again, sharks cant be all that bad right? After all, Discover Channel is dedicated to informing public opinion about the the shark as a natural animal of the ocean, not a carnivorous monster of the deep. Just look at their line-up this year:

  • Great White Invasion

  • JAWS Comes Home

  • Rogue Sharks

  • Summer of the Shark

  • Killer Sharks

Okay okay… So Discovery Channel has sold out like everyone else and instead is going for pure shock value to attract its viewers. The environmentalist in me hates this…but the gawker in me loves the gore! Check out Discovery Channel’s full line-up of Shark Week Here. I guess we have the movie classic JAWS to thank for all this fear of the water. Well, that being said, you can prance around the beach this summer in your own Amity Island T-shirt! This retro graphic style shirt is great for any horror fan. Check them out here at tshirtbordello.com. If shark fishing is more your style, pick up a Quint’s Shark Fishing T-Shirt at Last Exit To Nowhere’s online store.

Horror News from Comic Con 2011

Well, another San Diego Comic Con has come and gone. Each year it get harder and harder to get tickets for this insanely popular convention. I know many of you probably could not go but would have loved to have been able to wander the convention halls searching for anything that resembles horror. Well have no fear! We are bringing you some interesting horror related news straight from this year’s Comic Con. This will be a two-parter blog since there is SOOO much to cover. First up, Movies and Television! Continue reading

Halloween TV Specials 2010

I could very easily go into a rant about how Halloween TV specials today are nothing like they used to be back in the late 70’s early 80’s. But I wont. There are plenty of other blogs that do that. Instead I will do something productive and share with you something I wish I had found at the beginning of the month. TVtango.com compiled a fantastic list of Halloween-themed specials, marathons, and episodes for the entire month of October. This list is fantastic and very thorough. So if you have nothing else to do this Halloween…take comfort that there is still something to watch on TV. Here are some TV episode recommendations:

  • Glee Rocky Horror Picture Show Episode, Tues Oct 26, FOX 8pm ET
  • Modern Family Halloween Episode, Wed Oct 27, ABC 9pm ET
  • Scared Shrekless Halloween TV Special, Thurs Oct 28, NBC 8pm ET
  • Community Halloween Episode, Thurs Oct 28, NBC 8:30pm ET
  • The Office Halloween Special, Thurs Oct 28, NBC 9pm ET
  • The Simpsons 21st Annual Treehouse of Horror, Nov 1, FOX 8-8:30pm ET