Tag Archives: Music

Tune In To Halloween Radio

If your stuck in an office, you may find it hard to get into the Halloween spirit. However, if you are able to access the internet, then open Halloweenradio.net, plug in some earbuds, and away you go! Non-stop Halloween music of every type. It is truly a great resource for Halloween music discovery! This station is free and has four channels to choose from: 1.Halloween Main 2.Halloween Atmosphere 3.Halloween Oldies and 4.Halloween Kids. It is truly better and more diverse than any playlist you could put together yourself. I’ve included a link in our sidebar at the right for your convenience.

Do They Know It’s Halloween?

You know those Band Aid-style groups of musicians who perform together to raise awareness for some sort of charity? Well, here’s another one…this time in the name of Halloween! This all-star smorgasbord of artists consists of Arcade Fire! Karen O! Rilo Kiley! Wolf Parade! Beck! Feist! David Cross! Nardwuar the Human Serviette!. Oh, and a few weird looking sock puppets.

Remember The Groovie Goolies?

If you mixed The Addams Family and the Partridge Family into one drink, you’d get these guys…The Groovie Goolies! If you were watching Saturday morning cartoons in the early 70’s, you’d remember Frankie, Wolfie, Drac, Mummy, Hagatha, Bella LaGhostley, Boneapart and other animated classic monster movie icons get into kooky trouble in Horrible Hall. Now you can watch minisodes of the show courtesy of CRACKLE on YouTube. Better yet, you can buy the classic episodes on DVD at Amazon.

Ultimate Halloween Music Playlist


So your throwing a Halloween party this year and you want to put together a killer Halloween playlist for your guests to enjoy all night? Or maybe you just want to get into the spirit of things by enjoying some creepy music. Well, there are many great music CD’s out there that you can buy to set the mood right. Probably the best Halloween mood music you can find is by Midnight Syndicate, a group whose music is used widely in haunted attractions to provide chilling atmoshphere. They have lots of CD’s out now some of which have titles like Out Of Darkness, The 13th Hour, Vampyre, and The Dead Matter: Cemetary Gates. There are countless other CD’s I could recommend, but instead I’ve compiled a list of songs that you shouldn’t forget to include in your ultimate Halloween playlist. If I’ve missed some, please send in your comments to this post so I can update this list! Continue reading