Tag Archives: Travel

The Creepy Gravestones of Boston

If you’re searching for inspiration for your Halloween graveyard scene look no further than the gravestones of Boston. I mean really, this is as creepy as it gets! Time has a way of changing what was once beautiful and orderly into something slightly odd and crooked. Stone slabs with cracks and chips and missing sections are scattered amongst each other. Olive colored damp moss grows from the cracks of most of the sandstone or slate tablets. Walking through an old graveyard like this might give you the willy’s or it might just inspire your Halloween creativity like it did for me! Continue reading

Learning About Witches In Salem, MA

As autumn approaches and the few maple trees around town begin to slowly change color I start day dreaming about the immense beauty of New England in the fall. About this time last year was my first time leaf peeping throughout the East Coast. While I was in New England I made sure to set aside a day to explore the town of Salem, Massachusetts, the epicenter of the gruesome witch trials that took place in 1692. I found witches there alright, both real and fictional. Continue reading

Taking A Voodoo Tour in New Orleans

Voodoo Dolls

If you’ve ever been to New Orleans then you most certainly have seen voodoo dolls for sale by the bundles in almost every store. They’re hard to miss, right next to the other campy tourist souvenirs like shot glasses, carnival masks and alligator hand keychains. But if you look a little deeper, and take the time to research, you will discover a religion with an interesting history that is very much alive and still being practiced in this area of our country. I’m talking about Voodoo. Now I know the word conjures up images of Hollywood movies or old stories of curses and death, but there is another part of this religion that you may not be aware of. When I was in New Orleans, I took a Voodoo Tour. We visited historic locations, learned about the history of Voodoo in New Orleans and even visited an authentic Voodoo temple. That wasn’t all…we learned all about Marie Laveau, the “Voodoo Queen of New Orleans”. Join me now as I share with you all that I learned on this Voodoo Tour. Continue reading